Saturday, October 13, 2007

As days go by...

It's been another year since the last wedding anniversary. Time flies and the world keeps turning. Enjoyment of being off from work for a week also almost comes to an end. Had the anniversary celebration on Monday with my honey and watched the wedding video is bringing the wonderful memory that I did not feel it had been two years ago. Then on the next day having to go down to Tulsa since Grandma Mears went to the hospital. We saw a whole lot of spirit from her. She is a very strong woman. We had late lunch with Grandpa Mears at Red Lobster. At least he ate well that time and we had wonderful conversations. As Wednesday then Thursday passed by, I got the chance to call my mama which sounded happy and well but still having the same problems... Then Friday was our Lord of the Rings day! It is a 12 hours straight, sitting down and chill with bunch of snacks, plus entertainment. Started on 2.30pm and finished on 2am on Saturday morning. This event is the first for Dave and the third time for me. I still love the LOTR... unbelievable dedications. It was fun! So what's for today??? Not quite sure... probably just a relaxing day but I will let you know tomorrow. That's it for now!!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

It's finally Friday!

Ich... it's been a very long day today! Finally got home around 8.30pm since 6.30am this morning. Anybody know why friendster is still temporary down after 7pm? or is it just me? Tried to visit the site to update my stuff but it's never available.... I know that one of the developer was let go but when can I get in! Let me know please. Have a great weekend... I'm off to bed! Sweet dreams... XOXOXO

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm Back!!!

It's been a while since I did it but finally I decided to start doing it again since some of you across countries would like to know what I have been doing. I'm still working at the same place, still married to the same man, still live in beautiful mid US, and still appreciate all the life has to offer. I miss seeing my family way across continents so hopefully I will be able to see them soon. Like usual, I would like to learn new software... what a nerd! We finished (for now) with the home improvements. So currently, I'm planning to have little mini vacation with Dave for our second anniversary. Hmmm... still don't know where we want to go... any suggestion??? We both hate heat and this is summer time... where can we escape this humidity :)
So keep take a peek on my blog, I will try to keep up with it. Love you all!