Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm Back!!!

It's been a while since I did it but finally I decided to start doing it again since some of you across countries would like to know what I have been doing. I'm still working at the same place, still married to the same man, still live in beautiful mid US, and still appreciate all the life has to offer. I miss seeing my family way across continents so hopefully I will be able to see them soon. Like usual, I would like to learn new software... what a nerd! We finished (for now) with the home improvements. So currently, I'm planning to have little mini vacation with Dave for our second anniversary. Hmmm... still don't know where we want to go... any suggestion??? We both hate heat and this is summer time... where can we escape this humidity :)
So keep take a peek on my blog, I will try to keep up with it. Love you all!

1 comment:

Artie said...

LINA! What is going on? I haven't talked with you in a while and wanted to see how you were doing. Everything is going pretty well with me and the wife, and I must admit I do miss working with all of you guys. Well, give me a call sometime.