Friday, January 25, 2008

What a beginning of the year!

The holiday had past and the new year is just beginning. There are so much happening in everyone's life. Congratulations to a wonderful friend, Artie, and his Wife, Dalia, who have a cute little girl in the middle of this January month. It is called for a celebration!
And I guess congratulations to us for after all the longest waiting years that finally we are pregnant! There is bitter sweet for me this January. It is a very sad that I have to leave all my wonderful people in Tourism. I said good bye to them on January 22nd after a very hard decision and a very long bargain. I will miss working with them, but a new chapter of a job will continue, I will start with OSEEGIB on January 30th as their Data Management Analyst III. Hopefully I will enjoy working there as much as when I worked with Tourism. It is a completely nerve-wrecking to start a new job with a knowledge that I'm also having a baby!
Two days ago, we got the ultrasound and it hit me when I saw the baby's heartbeat. Oh my gosh... I almost cried to tears. Everything is normal and we'll see what happen next week when I go to the doctor again for another ultrasound. Right now, I'm just little nauseated... it is not really a good feeling but i'm glad I did not have any really morning sickness. We are about 8 weeks and the due date is September 10, 2008 (according to the doctor). Dave and I are pretty happy and so far I get to enslave him to get me everything I want which is pretty sweeeeeet... He is a wonderful husband though... I'm very lucky to be married to him :)
Well, ta da and I'll keep you all informed ;)

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