Monday, October 16, 2006

My Civic Responsibility

October 16, 2006 is my sista birthday... called her last night since it is 12 hours difference between US and Indonesia. SO... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! I wish you have a wonderful birthday.
It is also the day where for first time I perform my civic responsibility. It's my turn to be in the Jury Duty. It is so exciting and big. I just hope that I will be picked pretty soon. It's pretty boring when waiting in the assembly hall but fortunately, I didn't have to wait too long this morning. I'm in the pool but not yet picked. We'll see what will happen tomorrow. I hope that it will be exciting.
Some tips for jury newbies in Downtown OKC:
1. Arrive early, since the parking will be a nightmare. Park as lowest as possible to the ground floor in parking garage. If you park on the top, it will take you approximately 2 hours to get out when the day is over.
2. Take concourse if raining/during winter (map is available at the entrance).
3. Bring breakfast bar if you are in a hurry & don't have time to stop.
4. Bring a small bottle of water, you can refill it at the fountain.
5. Bring something to read. If you have... fill it into your PDA with ebook. If you don't have then bring a thick book, a thick magazine, or a thick comic of course....
6. If you have... Bring Ipod/mp3/walkman/cd player (small enough to put in your pocket or purse).... LOAD IT with music &/movies.
7. Turn off your cell phone/any device that makes obvious noise.
8. Pay a real close attention to everything.
9. For Lunch, there are lots of restaurants & places to eat. Ask deputies or somebody work downtown for directions. Try to stay close to the court house. Don't wander off!
10. Answer every questions honestly.
11. Just have a good positive thinking & attitude that it will be fun & interesting.
Well, that was the excitement I have for today. We'll see what happen for tomorrow. Later!

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