Monday, October 09, 2006

Wonderful Weekend

Time went by so fast. It's been a year since we got married. Got engaged May 8, 2005 then got married October 8, 2005 to be exact. David & I had a wonderful First year Anniversary, celebrated on October 7, 2006 since October 8 is a Sunday. He had to work at night. It was a full day & night activities... You know what I mean :) We tried to cover everything and reminisced all the stuff that we had since the first time we met.

We went to Bahama Breeze to have dinner where he proposed to me last year. Then after about 3 hours dinner (since we talked and talked and talked, we didn't realize time flew), we went home to exchange our gifts.... First year, I believe it is "Paper". Gift certificates are perfect for this :) Dave loves papers like books and comics.... I, on the other hand, not much of paper user anymore... PDA technology evolves around me so whoooo hoooo I was soooo surprised that I’m now the proud and official owner of the 80GB ipod. Love it!!! And I think my honey deserves to have another wonderful year from me... don't you think? :) Till the next anniversary... hehehe...

So after I ran around the house with my ipod in my hand, I calmed down. Now, it was time to eat our top of the wedding cake, it was delicious... you know why??? It was the exact replica of the original... that's why it was tasty. We didn't do the after a year thing cake since we believe why do we have to eat "not so good old frozen cake". Not so much into that... While eating cake, we watched "Picture Perfect". Our first date movie, it was August 5, 1997. Oh my... that was when??? Then after we finished watching it, we continued down the memory lane into our Wedding Video. It was wonderful; we got to re-live it again. We saw lots more stuff that we didn't see at that time. When we finished with the movie, we finally realized that it was 3am Sunday morning October 8. So this story ends here... there will be no comment for what happened after 3am ;)

After 4 hours of sleep... I woke up, wide awake, happy and it is still October 8, 2006. By 1pm, went to see Mom to prepare for Susan's Baby Shower. Anniversary and baby shower at the same day... full day of happiness... After it started, Dad could not wait to be away from this house full of women and kids. He went to see Dave and Scott and spending time at Borders.

The party was great. Food, games, cake..... got my second other kind of cake for the day... what a great diet for me :) It was fun. Finally 4pm, everyone left. I stayed with Mom until Dad came home. I went home and found Dave with Books and DVD.... He was so happy. It was his turn to run around the house.... We talked for awhile and it was time to watch "the Amazing Race" while Dave took a nap. Then "Desperate Housewives" came on... woke Dave up then watched the show. I guess we both missed the episodes when it started this season so we didn't know what's going on... Oh well... till it was time for Dave to leave work and I went to bed....
Good night Sweetheart!

P.S. We would like to thank you for all of you who remembered and gave us all the calls, congratulations, wishes, and cards for this special anniversary. We love you!!!

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