Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Too Bad

I made it to the selection stage among 50 people as soon as I get into the assembly hall an hour and a half. I was the last 6 people that stayed in the courtroom during the jury selection plus the alternative. But after 2 days in the actual courtroom and listening all the questions and answers, I did not get picked :( It was pretty dissappointed since it is a pretty big case. Murder 1st degree.... it is pretty scary stuff but justice must be served. Anyway... back to work as usual and who knows someday I will be an actual jury. I was so surprised that there were a lot of people that don't know anything about downtown OKC especially after living here for so long or even were born here. It is pretty sad because there are lots of good places to visit and great places to eat but mostly they close before 6pm CST. So If you need a tour of downtown... I'm there. Afterall, I work for Oklahoma Tourism Department :)

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